Thursday, September 18, 2014

Blog Post 5

PLNs seem to be a great learning resource. I was not too sure what they were to begin with, but looking deeper within, I finally understand. PLNs are great for teachers because the teachers can give each other different ideas. I think it would be great to start a PLN now and keep it throughout my career. It allows people to get together and learn new things or just share ideas with each other about a topic they are all interested in. PLNs seem to be formed just by choosing a topic you are interested in and start finding others on social networks with the same interest. After reading a previous blog post, I was able to get a better understanding of what PLNs are and how they are formed. As it said in the post, you are somewhat of a detective and researching deep to find information about your topic. Michael Fawcett's Video told a good story and example of how you can begin your PLN. It is amazing how people all over the world can communicate and share the same interests and ideas. This 7th grader's video is also a good example of a PLN. This would be great to show younger students to show how interesting it could be. I'm very interested in grammar, as far as teaching goes. Of course, I have a Twitter account. I could start by searching with hashtags, different teachers or students interested in the same subject as me. That could be some sort of start to my PLN.


  1. Hey Breanna! I love how you thought about searching hash tags to find people interested in the same thing. I didn't think about that. I also agree that it is a good idea for you, or our whole class, to have PLNs to keep up with teachers and soon-to-be teachers. Teachers come up with ideas for their classroom from other teachers and PLNs would make communicating easier. This is a great post. Keep up the good work!

  2. Very good post this week, and great job at inserting links :)
